Bloodbath Highway

歌:西松一博 by ARAGON

Dare to beat us if you wanna  …… ☆
 Try and race us,
  Fear our wrath
   Dare in vain,
    And you're a goner
     Bloodbath Highway,
      That's the path

 Me & my lovely craft
  Evaded that damned draft
   We haunt this lonesome
     She knows my every whim
      Her sleekness never dims
       The Queen who wanders
        Through the waste

    ☆ Repeat

  I've got the sense of speed
   She knows what I would need:
    The fastest hardware
     On this earth
      We're hunters on the road
       We leave a blood-red rose
        We're wreaking havoc
         In our mirth

     ☆ Repeat